【People's Daily】王英津:China Insights | Chinese mainland shares development opportunities with Taiwan people in integrated development plan with Fujian Province

China will deepen the integrated development of Fujian Province and Taiwan including the acceleration of energy and transportation links between the two regions, said Cong Liang, deputy head of the National Development and Reform Commission, at a press conference on Thursday.

In a circular issued on Tuesday, China said it would support making Fujian a demonstration zone for integrated cross-Strait development.

The document released by the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council is aimed at deepening cross-Strait integrated development in all fields and advancing the peaceful reunification of the motherland.

The document would enhance the Taiwan people's national identity and will for reunification on the basis of promoting common interests, Chinese experts told the People's Daily.

The integrated development of Fujian and Taiwan would explore new experiences and provide a reference for broader integrated development across the Strait, the experts agreed.

Photo taken from Xiangshan Mountain shows the Taipei 101 skyscraper in Taipei, Southeast China's Taiwan. (Photo: CGTN)

Wang Yingjin, director of the cross-Strait relations research center of the Renmin University of China in Beijing, pointed out highlights of the document.

First, the document not only leverages the pioneering role of such regions as Fuzhou, Xiamen and Pingtan, but also engages other cities in the development of the demonstration area, Wang said. Second, The 21 measures in the document are concrete and practicable, making clear the future directions and focuses of different sectors and regions of Fujian with regard to cross-Strait integrated development.

"Third, the establishment of a demonstration area of cross-Strait integrated development includes works in various aspects and requires the collaboration of different departments," he said. "Fourth, the document introduces a series of innovative policies and systems."

"For instance, people from Taiwan who want to settle in Fujian will no longer need to register for temporary residence and can enjoy as much convenience as their mainland peers with their residence permits."

Wang stressed that it was not only a concrete action under the Communist Party of China's overall policy for resolving the Taiwan question in the new era but also an important measure to advance integrated development in all fields and improve systems and policies that contribute to the well-being of Taiwan compatriots as mentioned in the Report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

People strolling on a viaduct of Jinjishan Park in Fuzhou, Southeast China's Fujian Province, March 16, 2021. (Photo: Xinhua)

Fujian focus

Fujian is the Chinese mainland province situated closest to Taiwan.

The province has a profound cultural bond with Taiwan as it is the ancestral home of many of the island's residents.

Fujian is at the forefront in promoting national reunification due to its special geographical location and has an irreplaceable role to play, Wang of the Renmin University of China said.

The document indicates that China will introduce more measures beneficial to Taiwan and make Fujian a pioneer in expanding and deepening the integrated development of the two sides, he said.

"The decision recognizes the achievements Fujian made in promoting integrated development across the Strait, and expresses hope that Fujian will play an even more important role in this regard from now on," Wang said. "Moreover, it implies that the province will embrace new opportunities in its future development."

Tang Yonghong, deputy director of the Taiwan research center of Xiamen University in Fujian Province, said that the document was a landmark measure to explore new paths for cross-Strait integrated development and build a cross-Strait integrated development demonstration zone.

Integration between places where conditions permit can promote a higher degree of integration, Tang said, and allow integrated development at the regional level to accumulate experience and mutual trust, thus laying the foundation for future integrated development at the overall level.

"Like Xiamen and Kinmen, Fuzhou and Matsu are close neighbors to each other," Tang said. "They already have the need as well as the conditions for integrated development."

Leverage point

The document can act as a leverage point, prompting Taiwan authorities to ease policies, Tang said.

"That is, on the basis of promoting common interests, enhancing the national identity and will of the Taiwan people for reunification," Tang said.

"The mainland is willing and capable of sharing more development opportunities with our compatriots in Taiwan in our pursuit of national rejuvenation," Tang said.

If the economy develops and Taiwan people's lives become better, the Taiwan people will definitely realize that integrated cross-Strait development is beneficial to them and then they will support integrated cross-Strait development, he believed.

作者:Wang Yingjin, director of the cross-Strait relations research center of the Renmin University of China in Beijing

原文链接:China Insights | Chinese mainland shares development opportunities with Taiwan people in integrated development plan with Fujian Province

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