
Stormy Energy Future: Energy Security & Sustainability Strategy

时 间:2017年12月11日(周一)15:00-17:00

地 点;国学馆123会议室

主 办:人大国发院能源与资源战略研究中心





Nobuo Tanaka

Chairman, the Sasakawa Peace Foundation (SPF)

Former Executive Director, The International Energy Agency (IEA)

Nobuo Tanaka is Chairman of The Sasakawa Peace Foundation. He had been a former Executive Director of the International Energy Agency (IEA) from 2007 to August 2011. He began his career in 1973 in the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) of Japan, and has served in a number of high-ranking positions, including Director-General of the Multilateral Trade System Department. He was Minister for Industry, Trade and Energy at the Embassy of Japan, Washington DC. He has also served twice as Director for Science, Technology and Industry (DSTI) of the Paris-based international organization, OECD.




The problem of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development has aroused wide attention of the society. Technological advancement and the awareness of sustainable development has promoted the stormy change of the global energy mix. Clean energy will take more shares in the future. Traditional fossil fuels are facing unprecedented challenges. This historic energy transition will have a substantive impact on the national energy security policies and the international energy relations. Mr. Tanaka Nobuo will discuss these challenges and solutions through an analysis of global energy transition and its influencing factors.

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