
Environmental regulation and inward foreign direct investment:

Evidence from the eleventh Five-Year Plan in China

主    讲:林发勤  中央财经大学国际与经济贸易学院副教授

主    持:聂辉华  中国人民大学国家发展与战略研究院常务副院长

时    间:2019年3月27日(周三)14:00-15:30

地    点:中国人民大学崇德西楼(原科研楼A座)815会议室

摘 要: 

This paper investigates whether environmental regulation affects inward foreign direct investment. The identification uses the reduction target policy for air pollutants during 11th Five Year Plan period implemented by the Chinese government in 2005. Our difference- in-difference-in-differences estimation explores three-dimension variations; specifically, city (i.e., high target prefectures versus low target prefectures), industry (more polluting industries relative to less polluting ones), and year (i.e., before and after 2005).We find that tougher environmental regulation leads to less foreign direct investment. Meanwhile, low productivity foreign invested enterprises show strong negative response while high proclivity ones show insignificant impact, e.g., HMT invested firms, firms in non-capital cities and such firms in coastal provinces where the policy is stricter.  


林发勤,中央财经大学国际与经济贸易学院副教授,近年来主要从事国际贸易、FDI和发展经济学等领域的应用研究。目前已出版专著一部《贸易中的引力模型:理论基础和实证应用》,参编由著名经济学家Bruce A. Blonigen和Wesley W. Wilson主编的Handbook of International Trade and Transportation一本,在国际一流学术期刊Journal of Development Economics, European Economic Review, Journal of Comparative Economics等发表SSCI收录论文29篇,在国内CSSCI权威期刊《经济研究》和《世界经济》等期刊上发表10多篇学术论文。同时,作为负责人主持国家自然科学基金面上项目,国家自然科学基金青年项目,北京自然科学基金青年项目,主持学校第三批青年科研创新团队支持计划项目,入选中央财经大学首届“龙马青年学者”。担任英文期刊Asian Development Policy Review 执行主编和多家国际SSCI期刊CSSCI期刊的匿名审稿人。



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