Study abroad and return migration
Abstract: We build a rigorous dynamic general-equilibrium model to
characterize the interactions among households` endogenous decisions on
studying abroad, return migration, and capital accumulation. Households
possess heterogeneous ability, they invest in education and make two
migration decisions: whether to study abroad, and subsequently whether
to return home. The model straitforwardly generates positive selection
of migration status among permanent migration, return migration, and no
migration based on ability. More interestingly, we find a novel
migration cycle: returnees bring back learned-knowledge and over time,
capital accumulates, attracting more return migration. Further, the
usual "brain drain" in the literature can be turned into "brain gain" in
the sense of an increased relative capital stock by combining a tax on
working abroad with a subsidy to studying abroad under the balanced
budget. And this policy combination is Pareto superior to a single tax
on either working or studying abroad.
赵来勋,日本神户大学经济学教授,本科毕业于中国人民大学财政金融学院,博士毕业于美国佛罗里达大学经济学系。曾在斯坦福大学、世界银行和美联储担任访问学者。在《Journal of International Economics》、《Journal of Industrial Economics》、《Review of International Economics》、《Journal of Urban Economics》等国际权威杂志发表论文数十篇,并担任《American Economic Review》、《Journal of International Economics》等众多国际权威杂志的评审专家。