

主讲:罗知 武汉大学经济发展研究中心




Abstract: Research has not yet been undertaken on the optimal level of urbanization, notwithstanding the pioneering work of Au and Henderson (2006) on optimal urban concentration. This paper develops two-sector general equilibrium models of urbanization, with and without equity consideration, respectively. It is shown that considering equity will result in a higher level of urbanization than otherwise, when urban inequality is sufficiently small or migration costs are sufficiently large. Such a theoretical prediction is confirmed by empirical modeling results using quasi-experimental data from China. Provincial governments that paid attention to the inequality issue are found to have higher urbanization levels than those that did not. Finally, we explore possible equity consideration-to-urbanization transmission channels, and empirically establish that equity consideration in China (e.g., government initiatives towards combating rural poverty or the urban-rural gap) is positively correlated with road density, which helps reduce migration costs, and with bank lending to the manufacturing sector, which helps enhance the pulling force of migration. Thus, policymakers in the developing world should reverse their prevailing anti-urbanization attitudes and practices that tend to slow down urbanization or restrict rural-to-urban migration.

主讲人简介:罗知,经济学博士,武汉大学经济发展研究中心(教育部人文社科重点研究基地)副主任、武汉大学经济与管理学院副教授,珞珈青年学者,亚洲开发银行研究顾问,研究方向为发展经济学和应用微观经济学。在《经济研究》、《管理世界》、China Economic Review、World Economy、Annals of Economics and Finance、《金融研究》、《中国工业经济》、《统计研究》、《经济学(季刊)》、《数量经济技术经济研究》等期刊发表论文多篇。曾获安子介国际贸易论文奖、《金融研究》年度最佳论文奖。主持国家自然科学基金项目三项,国家社科基金重大项目子课题两项。

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